Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Busy day, lots of pictures

Today was a busy day. The boys had the field battle, and it's one battle I don't like to miss. This is the classic "seen it on TV/in the movies" battle, where they all get to rush at each other, sticks flying.

It usually takes a while for the armies to muster and the royalty to decide how the fight is going to go down. In the meantime, the fighters settle in and wait for the word to get ready.

Finally it was time to get on the field, so the boys got their gear on and posed for my camera

I headed up to the top of the hill to see part of the battle from a different perspective. You can get a good idea of the camping going on here as well.

On the way back down, I got some good action shots

During one of the major breaks, we got to witness someone getting knighted in the middle of the field. I learned a lot about royalty and chivalry in the SCA just by watching that ceremony and asking J a few questions. He's a smart guy :)

As with most battles, after the field battles were over, some of the fighters hung out and played "pick-ups", where they just fought each other for the heck of it, and to keep their skills sharp.

In the meantime, J headed over to the fencing area to test his newfound skills

Once he was done, we headed back home and grabbed some dinner.

Tomorrow will be much quieter. No fights or classes until at least noon, so we're sleeping in!!!

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