Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Oh, it was a busy day here. S woke up in a great mood, and early on got her First Easter outfit on:

Mommy and Daddy were busy bees making Easter dinner for Grania, Maw, Bruce, and Annie. This was the first time S met Maw, Bruce, and Annie. She loved Maw.

She took a long nap after her 2pm bottle, then got dressed up in her Easter dress.

S and Mommy were both decked out for the day.

All this visiting took some out of her.


Mari said...

I love her Easter dress! Lovely!

Amy (TheGiggleWorm) said...

OMG - she is getting so big already - love her dress.

Hope you had a great easter.

RooManda said...

wait WHAT!!! I just read your blog for the first time since the new year and !!!!!! HUGE NEWS!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you! She's perfect and she is quite a lucky little girl to have you two for parents. Congratulations!