Sunday, June 14, 2009

Cherry pie, and random musings from the kitchen

I bought a big bag of cherries yesterday. This will make my mom nostalgic, as she says I have always been a big cherry fan, and I guess she's right. I made a pie with fresh cherries last year and J really liked it, so I dusted off the recipe to give it another go.

There's something wonderful about using fresh cherries instead of that sticky stuff from a can. Even J noticed the difference last year. He even bought me a cherry pitter to make the prep work a bit easier. He really likes this pie.

I have discovered that it is sinfully easy to make a pie crust. I was secretly hoping we had a frozen crust (or 2) lying around, but after throwing together some flour, butter (OK, SmartBalance) and water and making a perfect crust and lattice topping, I forgot why I was looking forward to the frozen stuff. I even called my grandma (who wasn't home) because she first taught me to make a pie crust in leftover chicken pot pie tins. I had no idea what I was doing at the time--I was maybe 7 or so. I'm a little better at it now.
The pie turned out great. J ate his warm with some ice cream, I had mine au naturel. We have the rest portioned into Tupperware to take to work this week. We have no actual meals for work lunches this week, just dessert. Sounds good to me.

1 comment:

trina said...

Lovely! We have been eating way too much pie here. I just tried a low fat crust to compensate for the quantity and that was a big mistake. Tough and just plain yucky, so not worth it, and not nearly as pretty as yours!